zorm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zorm/art/TC-TF-armor-study-207692281zorm

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TC:TF armor study



Well, partial. Wasn't too happy with the clunky stone breastplate I kept drawing her previously. Apparently these characters also know how to make flexible stone structures; at least I recall that Starfare's Gem's hawsers were formed of stone. So why not use the same concept on her armor.

Can't avoid the Norse influences, since I imagined her kin quite close to the Jötnar or Kalevanpojat from the start. Did not much help either that I listened to a crapload of Arkona and other female-fronted Viking metal to get on the right mood while sketching her. XDD

Cleaned up from a recent sketch dump. Might color this, if it doesn't contain too many mistakes. A boring pose but meh.

Sword inspiration from: [link]

Chronicles of Thomas Covenant/The First of the Search (c) Stephen R. Donaldson
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800x1333px 347.5 KB
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GodOfPink's avatar
Wow I love the detail!