zorm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zorm/art/Stupid-TLD-cartoon-WIP3-338441249zorm

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Stupid TLD cartoon WIP3



STILL wip The Last Dark crackart. :roll: Older shots: [link]

Got some suggestions for additional characters, which found their places despite the overcrowdnedness.

The whole cast, left to right:
Upmost row: She-Bane, a random Sandgorgon, Infelice, the Despiser, Worm of the World's End, Roger, Kastenessen, some skurj

Giants: Rime Coldspray, Stormpast Galesend, Cirrus Kindwind, Frostheart Grueburn, Latebirth, Cabledarm, Onyx Stonemage, Halewhole Bluntfist, Lostson Longwrath

First row: some wraiths and ur-viles, crack!ranyhyn, Clyme, Covenant, Branl, Stave, Jeremiah, Linden, Pahni, Mahrtiir, Bhapa, the Lurker, some Feroce

Chronicles of Thomas Covenant belong to Stephen R Donaldson.
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1900x1162px 1.1 MB
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